
public final class PrivateKey : Key

Class that describes a private key object. Inherits from Key.

  • Returns true if the key must be used with partial hashing (qualified signature key). Available only for private keys.



    public func isPartialHash() -> Bool

    Return Value

    true if the key must be used with partial hashing; false otherwise.

  • Hashes the provided data and signs the hash using a private key.


    func signDataSHA384(privateKey: PrivateKey, dataToSign: Data) throws -> Data {
        // verify that the private key use partial hash.
        if privateKey.isPartialHash() {
            throw NSError(domain: "com.idopte", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "no sha384 with partial hash"])
        var err: NSError? = nil
        var signedData: Data? = nil
        let group = DispatchGroup() // used to make the function synchronous
        group.enter() .background).async {
            privateKey.hashAndSign(data: dataToSign, algorithm: "sha384", completionHandler: { (signature, error) in
                err = error
                signedData = signature
        if let err = err {
            throw err!
        else {
            return signedData!



    public func hashAndSign(
    	data: Data,
    	algorithm: Any,
    	completionHandler: @escaping (_ signature: Data?, _ error: NSError?) -> Void) -> Void



    Data to hash and sign.


    Indicates the hash algorithm to use and takes the following value:

    • For RSA PKCS#1 padding and ECDSA: algorithm parameter is a string defines which hash algorithm to use:
      • “sha1” or “sha256” available for all keys (SHA-1 may be forbidden with qualified signature keys depending on the card profile). The API will automatically take care of the partial hashing requirement when used with a qualified signature key.
      • “sha384” or “sha512” not available for qualified signature.
    • For RSA PSS padding, algorithm parameter is a Dictionary object with the following attributes:
      • hashAlg: hash algorithm to use as a string. Can be "sha1", "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512".
      • mgf: mask generation function to use as a string. Can be "sha1", "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512".
      • saltLen: salt length to use as an integer.


    The completion handler to call when the signature is complete. It takes the following parameters:

    • signature Data?: containing the signature.
    • error NSError?: nil if the signature is completed successfully; otherwise an error encapsulates the reason of failure.


    The completion handler is executed on the same type of DispatchQueue as in the calling code.

  • Signs the provided data with the given algorithm.


    let messageToSign = "message to sign"
    let inputData = Data(messageToSign.utf8)
    var hash:[UInt8]
    hash = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH))
    CC_SHA256((inputData as NSData).bytes, CC_LONG(inputData.count), &hash)
    let pssAlgorithm = ["hashAlg": "sha256", "mgf": "sha256", "saltLen": CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]
    privatekey.sign(hash: hash, algorithm: pssAlgorithm) { signature, error in
        if let error = error {
            // an error occurred while signing the data.
        else {
            // you have signed data



    public func sign(
    	hash: Data,
    	algorithm: Any,
    	completionHandler: @escaping (_ signature: Data?, _ error: NSError?) -> Void) -> Void



    Data to sign.


    Indicates the hash algorithm to use and takes the following value:

    • For RSA PKCS#1 padding and ECDSA: algorithm parameter is a string defines which hash algorithm to use:
      • “sha1” or “sha256” available for all keys (SHA-1 may be forbidden with qualified signature keys depending on the card profile). The API will automatically take care of the partial hashing requirement when used with a qualified signature key.
      • “sha384” or “sha512” not available for qualified signature.
    • For RSA PSS padding, algorithm parameter is a Dictionary object with the following attributes:
      • hashAlg: hash algorithm to use as a string. Can be "sha1", "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512".
      • mgf: mask generation function to use as a string. Can be "sha1", "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512".
      • saltLen: salt length to use as an integer.


    The completion handler to call when the signature is complete. It takes the following parameters:

    • signature Data?: containing the signature.
    • error NSError?: nil if the signature is completed successfully; otherwise an esrror encapsulates the reason of failure.


    The completion handler is executed on the same type of DispatchQueue as in the calling code.

  • Decrypts the provided data using a private key.


    privateKey.decrypt(data: dataToDecrypt, algorithm: "pkcs1") { dataDecrypted, error in
        if let error = error {
            print("Error while decrypting data : " + error.localizedDescription)
        else {
            // decrypted data can be used from here



    public func decrypt(data: Data, algorithm: String, completionHandler: @escaping (_ dataDecrypted: Data?, _ error: NSError?) -> Void)



    Data containing the ciphertext data to decrypt.


    Can be "pkcs1" or "raw". This represent the algorithm that was used to encrypt the data.


    The completion handler to call when the decryption is complete. It takes the following parameters:

    • dataDecrypted Data?: containing the decrypted data.
    • error NSError?: nil if the decryption is completed successfully; otherwise an error encapsulates the reason of failure.


    The completion handler is executed on the same type of DispatchQueue as in the calling code.